The unique construction of mineral insulated heating cables ensures a high level of form stability. Different alloy materials for the outer cable sheath facilitate the appropriate choice of heating cable type according to type of use. Especially on long pipe lengths and large diameters, mineral insulated heating cables show their capability. They can be spiraled around or fixed parallel to pipe run. The stability of shape simplifies the installation of mineral insulated heating cable on site.
Industries that use MI heating cables
Our mineral insulated heating cables are designed for applications like frost protection, temperature maintenance and temperature increase. Typical features are high pressure resistance, water and gas tightness and constant heat transfer to medium.
Our MI heating cable has proven to be an excellent choice in pipe installations in chemical and petrochemical plants. This can be
- off-shore
- in facilities where radiant heat is produced
- when temperatures above +80°C are requiered at high specific electrical load and heat output.
- when requirements rise up to temperature values of +1000°C and loadings up to 300 W/m.
Mineral insulated heating cable as the technical and economical alternative
Heating cables equipped with insulations of plastic components reach their limit at a temperature of maximum +260°C. But a strict and continuous reduction of specific load follows the increase of operating temperature level. In consequence, heating cable constructions with plastic insulation become more and more uneconomic at medium temperatures >+100°C and for use inside potentially explosive atmospheres.
Scope of MI heating applications
Pipeline installations in industrial plants with electrical heat tracing. Loading up to 300 Watt per meter and, due to the construction, constant heat emission independent from ambient temperature. A wide range of heating conductor resistances (0.16 to 10 Ohm per meter) allows a precise adjustment of the produced heat according to the application. Pipeline lengths of several hundred meters and large surfaces can be easily heated by implementing mineral insulated heating cable. Complex surfaces requiring tight bending or uneven surface profiles are predestined to be covered with mineral insulated heating cables, keeping themselves in shape after profiling. Installation of cable in direct contact with surface or pre-assembled on mesh wire mats, designed to fit exactly to surface outline. In case of damage mats can be easily replaced.
Valves, flanges and fittings require optimized heat transfer which is only achievable by entire contact between mineral insulated heating cable and surface to be heated.
Mineral insulated heating cables can be easily bent in shape. After bending they stay dimensionally stable. For fixing heating cable to surface, high temperature resistant adhesive tapes or fiber ribbons without adhesive backside are best choice. Again an alternative: Pre-assembly of heating cable on meshwire mats or the use of pre-punched fixing straps.
Monitors and solar cells require for surface refinement a consistent process heat with minimized deviations. This heat is produced by special vacuum heating units. Temperatures exceeding +200°C make mineral insulated heating cable an excellent choice due to easy bending and high level of form stability.